Celaya, Mexico
Founded: 8/26/2019
Head of Government: Mayor Javier Mendoza Márquez
Population: 378,143
Area: 25.2 sq mi, 5,797 ft
Main Industries: manufacturing to agriculture, mining
(gold, silver, tin, lead, mercury, copper, and opals)
Relationship Established
Durham Mayor Steve Schewel and the Celaya City government officials signed our Sister Cities agreement on August 26, 2019.
Additional Resources:

Celaya, Mexico
Celaya, Guanajuato Mexico
Celaya it’s a very important City located in the heart of Mexico in the State of Guanajuato, it
was founded on 1571. The City played an important role in the Mexican Independence from
Spain. Guanajuato is the birthplace of the Concept of Independence, and where the Battle
against the Spanish oppression started.
The Spanish influence can be seen nowadays in the architecture and the colonial style which is still present in multiple buildings in downtown Celaya. Although this is a very historic town,
Celaya has turn into an Industrialized City and a Key Player of the Industrial Corridor in Central
Mexico. Semi-arid climate. The great weather and formidable location have brought transnational companies, thathave established their Headquarters in Celaya.
Major Companies are Honda, P&;G, GKN, Sonoco.
Celaya it’s also well known as a City for Foodies, we have multiple Restaurants all over town.
The City it’s even a popular destination for folks across the State of Guanajuato that drive just
to enjoy Celaya’s delicacies.
The City of Celaya it’s also well known for being a great Educational Center, Celaya has at least 8 Universities. The Top 3 Universities are the Tecnológico de Celaya, Universidad Latina de
Mexico and Universidad de Celaya. They host careers such as Engineering Schools, Medicine
and the School of Dentistry, all of them with International Recognition.
Celaya became Sister City of Durham on 2019 and since then the Celaya Committee has
Participated in several activities with the Sister Cities Committee such as the Durham
International Festival, Durham Sister Cities Food Truck Festival, City of Durham Christmas
Parade and on 2023 we hosted a group on students of the Universidad Latina de Mexico School of Dentistry from Celaya that came to the UNC School of Dentistry and they had the
opportunity to listen a few classes.
If you are interested to join or get to know a little bit about Celaya, don’t hesitate to reach out
and will be glad to share the information with you.